Fuel Systems

Fuel Systems

Fuel System Repair and Maintenance in Libertyville, IL and Grayslake, IL

Your car won’t get too far without gas, and your engine can’t get any gas without your fuel system. If you have any issues with your fuel system, you’ll want to get it looked at quickly, as fuel system issues tend to compound and get worse. 

Our team of mechanics at Pit Shop Auto Repair has years of experience servicing vehicles in Libertyville, IL. Call us today at 847-321-7049, or stop by our Libertyville auto garage, to schedule an appointment.

How Often Should You Change Your Fuel Filter?

The answer to this question depends both on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the brand of fuel filter you’re using. Every manufacturer has unique recommendations for when to change your fuel filter, something you should find in the manual of your vehicle, as well as on the box of the fuel filter. If you think it’s about time you had your fuel filter changed out, but are unsure, bring it by our shop in Libertyville, IL, and we can take a look for you!

Signs Your Fuel System May Need Maintenance

This list is by no means all-encompassing, but these are some of the most common signs you’re having problems with your fuel system and could benefit from some maintenance or service:

Dirty Fuel Can Cause Big Problems

Your fuel filter is designed to prevent dirt and debris from getting into your engine, but over time they can get clogged (which is why they need to be changed regularly). Allowing your vehicle to operate with a clogged fuel filter will mean dirty fuel is getting into your engine, which leads to fuel pump failure, ignition issues, and generally poor performance.

Have Your Fuel System Serviced By A Libertyville, IL Auto Shop

We’ve helped thousands of people over the years, and absolutely love providing our services to Libertyville, Grayslake, and the surrounding areas of Illinois. Our customers are more than just customers to us; they’re members of our communities. When you work with Pit Shop Auto Repair, you can expect both a high level of expertise and a high level of customer service. Reach out to us today!