Filter Changes

Filter Changes

Experienced Filter Change Services in Libertyville, IL and Grayslake, IL

There are a number of different filters within your vehicle, all of which need to be periodically cleaned or replaced. At Pit Shop Auto Repair, we have quite a bit of experience in changing car filters, regardless of make or model. Do you know the last time you had your engine’s air filter replaced? If not, then it’s probably time for you to do so!

How to Identify a Dirty Car Engine Filter

If you pop your hood and notice dirt on your engine’s air filter, that’s a pretty good sign it needs to be replaced. The best way to test it is to take it out and hold it up to a light and make a note of how much light passes through the filter. If no light passes through, then your filter is too dirty, and will need to be replaced.

Does Your Cabin Air Filter Need Replacing?

Cabin air filters prevent air pollutants from entering your vehicle’s cabin, protecting you and any passengers you may have. Dust, pollen, and dirt gets into the air, and can cause respiratory problems when breathed in. Cabin air filters need to be replaced about every 15,000 miles, though if you live in an area with a high level of pollution you may need to have it changed more frequently.

Have Your Oil Filter Changed Regularly​

Your oil filter protects your engine by filtering out impurities and debris that’s in the oil that lubricates your engine. WIthout it, your engine would get gunked up and wouldn’t be able to function properly. You don’t want to cause any damage to your engine, which is why we recommend you have your oil filter inspected and changed regularly.

Work with an Experienced Auto-Maintenance Provider in Libertyville, IL​

You want your vehicle to last as long as possible, and the best way to do this is to have it inspected by an experienced Libertyville, IL or Grayslake, IL auto mechanic. Regular maintenance will ensure your filters are always working efficiently, which in turn will help to extend the life of your vehicle.

At Pit Shop Auto Repair, our team of mechanics has decades of combined experience, and are standing by ready to assist you in any way possible. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, or give us a call and we can answer any questions you may have.