Grayslake and Libertyville's Trusted

Auto Repair Shop

Since 2010


Pit Shop Auto Repair Libertyville

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Why Grayslake and Libertyville residents
Choose Pit Shop Auto Repair

3 Year/36k Warranty

ASE Certified Technicians

Total Car Care

Grayslake and Libertyville's Top Auto Repair Team

We have Libertyville Drivers Covered!

Pit Shop Auto Repair is your one-stop auto service center, able to handle everything from simple routine maintenance to complex computer diagnostics and sophisticated repairs. Serving Grayslake, Libertyville, Vernon Hills, Mundelein, Wildwood, Hawthorn Woods, Waukegan and more.

From oil changes and transmission flushes to engine repairs and brake works, we have you and your vehicle covered. Our highly trained and capable automotive technicians bring decades of combined experience to the job, and that expertise shows in every repair they make. Our hundreds of 5-Star Reviews reflects our dedication to top customer satisfaction.

Preventative Maintenance

Grayslake and Libertyville Illinois

When you perform car maintenance at regular intervals, it keeps your ride in proper working order and helps prevent expensive mechanical repairs down the road. When it’s time to sell or trade in the vehicle, having detailed service records can help boost its value.

Auto Repair

Grayslake and Libertyville Illinois

There are countless things that can go wrong with an automobile. Here at Pit Shop Auto Repair, we are fully equipped and certified to handle your auto repair needs. Our technicians are ASE Certified and experienced with both foreign and domestic vehicles.